Social Responsability

Social Responsability

How can companies contribute to a fairer society and a clean and healthy environment?

We believe that as companies can achieve this goal by working with what we call Corporate Social Responsibility. In this way, company management can not be directed only towards the fulfillment of its interests, but also those of other stakeholders, such as employees, such as local communities, customers, suppliers, such as public authorities, Competitors and society in general.

Stakeholders are called, that is, all as people and organizations that somehow relate to a company.

The so-called Corporate Social Responsibility is a form of ethical, responsible and transparent management that has an organization with its stakeholders, in order to minimize its negative impacts on the environment and the community.

Being ethical and transparent means knowing your stakeholders, aiming at a channel of dialogue, discussion and consensus.

We at Frey Rearq believe in our Social Responsibility and it is with this vision that it develops all our works aiming at a better world for all involved.

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